
2:36 p.m. Sunday, Jul. 31, 2005

"Its Visitay day chamone"

the time is 2:36, i am home from wrok, and i am sitting here, smelling the roast dinner my mum is cooking for me

i just read back my last entry, hmmm yea that makes sense.....
at the time i was deparately trying to stay awake, for reasons that i cant remember, talking to people online, in between writing an entry, maybe that was it, i kinda lost my point on what i was trying to say, and by the time i had finished i was too fucked to care about it,
title, html, 'done!'

right, well at work today i had some time as i normally do to think, try to recolect pieces of the puzzle, to complete the jigsaw of what was kylies party,
i mean i dont need to have the finished model, just the bits that i am involvd in, cos im not nosey about it
i was talking to people about it, and i realised i could have been semi concience all night, well actually no, that sounds daft, its just that so much happened that i was oblivious off,
an example being, if someone was being murdered in kylies lounge, i would probably go over to one of them and ask them if any one had seen my drink,
i can remember seeing losts of different activites going on all at the same time
like, bob outside being sick, lisa and tommy outside on the rocking chair, libby and rob under the table, mark playing guitar, scott playing piano, then john chucking up, chris eating candels, and me running around nearly naked, hmmm,
it was oh so strange,
at the time people talling me things, and me not taking notice of them
like "paul your fucking head is falling off!"
"what...chris has lost my plectrum!"
maybe i shouldnt have kept drinking all day, but hey thee was an upside to it i guess, i didnt get hungover, ace, and i didnt miss anything in the morning,
but it was knackering, and i probably looked a dick at the breakfast table with my strongbow, never surrendering,
oh well,
it was also good talking to people that i havn't or dont often,
still there was definitly things that i was not aware of, which would have been if i had knowm, a kick in the balls,
i mean i know now, but still, shit,
well, i have heard nathan is not well today, i think i will pop round see how he is, drag him down the pub lol,

laters potatoes

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