Stranger in the night

11:41 Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2008

i'd like to say i've got a lot planned for the coming days and weeks,
on paper i have,
except, it usually falls through,
when the time comes, if theres nothing to do, people dont want to come out,

doesn't matter how long its been since you've seen them, or how long its gonna be until you see them next,

no one wants to just hang out,
god i hate that term, yet i wont bother thinking of a different one

i can understand people don't want to roam the streets,
but well, when was the last time you did that?

me chris steve and tommy went for a walk a little while back,
we went to the gorge, and it was pretty kick arse

occasionally doing somehting you haven't done in a while, turns out to be pretty good

i mean doing something new, that you've never done before, i.e me and steve racing home from holly's in a wheelchair was quite a good new experience, if not tireing

it just made a change to be doing something that we seemed to do so often back in the day when no one had jobs and car's and anywhere to be

"i'm sorry if this is boring"
"it would be boring if you wasn't here,"

it's not about the activity, its not about the location,
it's about the time spent

"give us a call or somehting if you want to do something"
i guess you don't then, no worries, its only about 3 months

a call, or a text, or an email, or a comment, or some grafitti, or a stone through my window, would be nice

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